Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Steamboat Willie

Yes! Another title beginning with S...

Whenever you feel sad, try listening to Steamboat Willie. If you can make it all the way through without being cheered up, then you've got problems. Tonight after getting off the phone, I listened to it. And I made it through about 4 seconds before I broke out in a huge smile. It's impossible to be sad for long when you have such incredible memories to look back on. I forgot that for a few minutes tonight, and I'm sorry it happened.

I know this is just as hard on you as it is for me, and I want to make it easier for both of us by being someone who can make you laugh and make you smile, whenever possible. I can't promise that I'll never get sad, it's part of missing you so much. But I can promise that whenever I get that sad, I won't let it last for long. There are too many things to be thankful for, too many wonderful memories to be made, and too many reasons for me to be grateful that I have you.

It's not hard to see how much I miss you, I was able to write three pages to you last night, spend hours talking to you today, and still have more to say long after you've gone to sleep.

But the best news is that in just a few short weeks I'll be sitting in your car, putting in a mix CD with an extremely addicting first song, looking at you, and smiling all over again.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Southern California

Continuing along with the blog titles beginning with "S" theme...

I never knew I could hate it here so much. Don't get me wrong, I love Southern California, it's an incredibly diverse place, from the people, to the geography, to the astounding amount of things to do, places to go, and sites to see. But there's something missing. I guess I've been aware of this for the last few months, but it's really hitting me hard now.

I'm locked into living in Southern California for the next year, and as much as I love it, without this part that's missing, it seems like a waste of time. I've realized it's because I want to share all the things that I love with her. I want to take her to Big Bear and have a completely different feeling than when I take her to Disneyland. I want to take her to Vegas and have a completely different feeling than when I take her to San Diego.

I want her to see the things that used to make me content with my life.

Because I also want her to see that knowing how she makes me feel, how happy I am, the only thing that could make me complete is being with her.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


It's fun to live vicariously through the songs of Frank Sinatra.

It's also very frustrating.

It's tough to go through this holding period, but I am so positive that you are worth every second of the wait. It's amazing how full I feel with you. I know that nothing in the world could possibly make me happier.

I intend to spend a very long time holding you, kissing every inch of your face, telling you over and over again how I feel about you.

This torment won't be through, until you let me spend my life making love to you.

Day and night. Night and day.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

It's interesting how movies affect you, isn't it? I like going into movies without expectations, unless they're High School Musical and I know it's going to be amazingly bad, so I didn't read much about Slumdog Millionaire before seeing it. I've now watched it three times, and every time, I get sucked into the story, sucked into the characters, and sucked into the relationships. I've had to think about the movie a lot, seeing as I'm writing a paper based on it, and I've come to the realization that the reason I like it so much is because of the ending.

Without giving too much away, I think it has such an impact on me because of the dedication of the characters, because of the obstacles they have to overcome.

It's good to know that whatever else happens in my life, I can be happy...

Because I found you.